Chilli X Board Store WA
Tuesday, January 09, 2018
Board Store - 'Mid last year we got talking to James Cheal and his team of surfboard enthusiasts about what board construction worked best in our waves here in Southwest WA. After riding a bunch of different constructions in a variety of different surf we all came to the agreement that an EPS blank with a stringer was the way to go for both strength and performance.
When testing the stringered EPS construction we found it still had the spark of an EPS in the small waves but when the waves got bigger or had a little more push the stringer kept the board stiff enough that it still had drive through turns. This gave the board more momentum than a stringerless EPS blank and made a huge big difference in windy conditions by reducing board chatter.'
Check them out if your in the area! - Board Store 1/30 Burler Dr, Vasse WA 6280